Ricky Nuttall LFB

"Having suffered with PTSD since attending the fire at Grenfell Tower, I want to help people recognise the signs of PTSD from its onset. I want them to know that support and understanding are only ever a message away."


"Firefighters leave incidents, but the incidents don't leave us."

It's hard to explain to someone what an average day of a firefighter looks like because it doesn't really exist. You don't have an average day, It's all about adaptability.

If you are a witness to or victim of a crime, you call the police. If you have a medical Emergency, you call an ambulance and sometimes the Fire Service as well. For absolutely everything else, it's the Fire Service as we cover a huge scope of work from water and rope rescues, to national disasters. From children locked in bathrooms to domestic flooding's and people locked in or out of their homes. A Firefighters job is about turning up to somebody's worst day of their life and making it a bit better.


"The first time you suffer from PTSD, you may not know what you're going through until you start to get better."

My aim is simple, to help give people an understanding of poor mental health.

Through my personal experiences with PTSD and depression, I have witnessed first-hand the destructive nature of both. I have witnessed the breakup of my family unit. I have witnessed the breakdown of close friendships. I have witnessed the loss of my home, the loss of my secondary income, and the loss of my mind.

I say "witnessed," because I wasn't present for any of it.


"A true understanding of who you are, including all your weaknesses, will be the most freeing discovery of your life."

Alongside my role as a firefighter, I speak at corporate events, where I aim to motivate and inspire audiences to believe they can reach their full potential.

I aim to demonstrate the power of honesty and the strength in harnessing your weaknesses, by using those same qualities in my approach.

I talk openly, revealing raw and painful truths about my past, and all the things I wish I'd done differently; my regrets, my lows and my sadness.

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Laura Tott, Ambulance Service
Abby - TVP